Sunday, 1 April 2012

ReSharper 6.0

Here Are some key to version 6.0

SN1 :- J3h/cbDxoFsJqPYZYICS2h4fJXua+D3K
SN2:- dI6EgwdcIRTPN/ZOgq9K7tCowvoZ2F1N
SN3:- fEG/B8XDVo5O8S/pi1vIUz4RxHzzdEp7

User name will be your user name and Copy any one key will work fine.
JavaScript support
JavaScript support spans most ReSharper 6 feature groups including code inspections, navigation, refactorings, and coding assistance.
Symbol and smart completion are available in JavaScript, enabling you to filter out the enormity of JS library functions.
IntelliSense in JavaScript files

You can take advantage of ReSharper features wherever JavaScript is used, be it separate .js files, inline script blocks in ASP.NET and HTML, or function calls in markup element attributes.
JavaScript IntelliSense in HTML and ASPX

Navigation options in JavaScript include File Structure and Go to File Member for quick overview of and browsing to file contents.
Find Usages and Highlight Usages help track how JavaScript symbols are used throughout the solution.
Find usages of JavaScript symbols

You can use JavaScript code formatting and naming style control to adhere to organizational coding guidelines, and unit testing support through QUnit to assure the quality of JavaScript code.
ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor support
ReSharper's ASP.NET MVC feature pack is extended with support for the new Razor view engine.
ReSharper brings its full power to C# code blocks in Razor views, including code highlighting, code completion, context actions, refactorings, and navigation.
ReSharper's navigation infrastructure, including File Structureand Go to File Member, works correctly in .cshtml files.
IntelliSense in ASP.NET MVC Razor views

Quick navigation between views, controllers, and actions works with Razor as efficiently as you would expect. When returning a view from a controller action, you can now take advantage of view completion.
IntelliSense in ASP.NET MVC Razor controllers

CSS support
ReSharper applies its own highlighting to CSS syntax. In addition, every color value is underlined with the respective color, and a quick-fix is available to help change it using a graphical color picker.
Syntax highlighting and color assistance in CSS files

You can easily find usages of a CSS property or selector both within the current file and in a larger scope.
File Structure and Go to File Member have also successfully arrived to CSS files, bringing support for lowerCamelHumpssearch.
Go to File Member works in CSS files

ReSharper provides its own code completion in CSS files and HTML/ASP.NET markup files. It helps you complete tag names and attributes, pseudo-classes, CSS properties and property values.
CSS completion in HTML/ASP.NET markup files

In addition, ReSharper 6 introduces refactorings for CSS, such as Rename and Extract Style.

HTML support
ReSharper 6 brings basic HTML support to the table. First of all, you get code completion for tags, attributes and attribute values where applicable. This is especially handy for values of class and id tags where ReSharper brings up available CSS properties and existing IDs:
CSS class completion in HTML

We have also introduced a special kind of Parameter Infoshowing you a quick overview of a given HTML tag or attribute. The Rename refactoring for CSS classes and IDs can be invoked right from HTML.
Finally, we have introduced a set of context actions in HTML that should be familiar to you from your ASP.NET experience:
Context actions in HTML

Async CTP support
Not only does ReSharper 6.1 support async and awaitkeywords — both in C# and VB.NET — but it also provides a set of related code inspections and quick-fixes.
For example, it sees dead code when an asynchronous method lacks await operators.
ReSharper warns when an async method lacks await operators

Also, when changing your method to become asynchronous, ReSharper helps you correct the method to return a task of a type, like this:
ReSharper helps correct the return type of an async method

VB.NET code analysis
Visual Basic .NET support in ReSharper lacked on-the-fly code inspections for a couple of years, but the wait is finally over: VB.NET code analysis is making its first steps in ReSharper.
Highlighting for errors and code issues right in the text editor, ticks on the marker bar, inclusion of VB.NET code issues inFind Code Issues and Errors in Solution tool windows: it's all coming in ReSharper 6!
Code inspections and quick-fixes in VB.NET code

Enhancements in XAML support
Silverlight, WPF and Windows Phone 7 developers have a reason or two to like ReSharper 6.
We have introduced quick-fixes to create properties, dependency properties, and namespace aliases from usage, improved code completion for bindings, and made ReSharper work nicely with d:DataContext and d:DesignInstanceproperties.
IntelliSense for bindings in XAML

In other news, we have enabled Silverlight internationalization assistance in addition to the previously supported WPF.
Last but not least, there's no more duplicate code completion in XAML files: on pressing Ctrl+Space, you get either ReSharper or Visual Studio IntelliSense but not both.

Color assistance
Whenever you're working with a color, be it in CSS, C#, VB.NET or XAML, ReSharper 6 provides color highlighting for properties representing colors and code completion visualizing colors and brushes:
Special IntelliSense for colors and brushes in all languages

In addition, a quick-fix is available enabling you to pick a color from palette:
Pick colors from palette in various languages

Macros for file headers
File headers that ReSharper applies on code cleanup can now contain macros defining things such as solution, project and file name; current date and time; and file creation date and time. This means you don't have to manually update the file header ahead of every cleanup.
Macros for configuring file headers

ReSharper suggestions explained
Sometimes, it's not outright clear why ReSharper highlights code in a particular way. However, it's now easy to get an explanation why ReSharper is coming up some of its most perplexing code inspections: clicking Why is ReSharper suggesting this in the drop-down menu that you get on pressing Alt+Enter opens a wiki page clarifying a particular inspection.
ReSharper now explains why it's making a suggestion

Searchable code inspection severity options
Customizing inspection severity is now a lot easier, for several reasons. First of all, all code inspections can now be configured to be shown with a particular level of severity, be it an error, warning, suggestion, or hint.
Second, we have introduced several tabs in the Options dialog that help manage inspection severity for a specific language or technology.
Last but not least, you can now search for specific inspections in the list, which is an enormous time saver if you're looking to customize inspections containing a particular keyword.
Searchable code inspection severity options

ReSharper SDK
The new ReSharper SDK is set to simplify the development and maintenance of ReSharper plug-ins. Introduced with ReSharper 6.1, the SDK provides target files and a full set of ReSharper assemblies, including test infrastructure assemblies required to test ReSharper plug-ins. Visual Studio templates for creating different kinds of plug-in projects are also available with the SDK.
ReSharper SDK is available for download as an .msi installer (with Visual Studio project templates) or as a .zip archive (for continuous integration.)
ReSharper SDK
Performance and bug fixes
We have processed hundreds of bug reports and bad performance complaints. Between releasing versions 6.0 and 6.1, we have fixed around 150 performance issues and over 800 bugs! For example, if you have seen ReSharper 6.0 processing source files longer than expected, versions 6.1 and 6.1.1 fix that, and contain a lot more performance fixes.

Navigation has been enhanced and extended in a multitude of ways. For example, when you're looking to jump to a file, you can narrow down the search by entering parts of a path to the file using spaces as delimiters. This is super handy when you have hundreds of similarly named files in your solution:
Specifying a path to file or a part of FQN in Go To commands

Go to File Member has received a new option called Include members from related files that shows members declared in files containing base and derived types:
Related files can be included in the list of file members

There's a new contextual navigation feature available for types: by calling the Navigate To menu upon a type declaration or usage, you can easily get the list of extension methods for this type:
Find all extension methods of a certain type

Another new contextual navigation feature is Navigate to Parameter Declaration. This is an efficient substitute for Go to Declaration when you're dealing with multi-parameter methods: it lands you on a specific parameter instead of a method name. That means, no more lost focus while scrolling to the parameter you need.
Navigating from argument to parameter declaration

ReSharper 6 also adds a set of new filters in the Find Resultswindow that you use to focus on specific kinds of occurrences while searching for usages. For example, if you're searching for usages of a method, use the new Show Base Method Callsfilter to restrict search results to calls to its base method:
Filter out found usages to base calls

Other new filters include Unit Test Usages to focus on usages of a symbol in test fixtures, and Interface Qualifications to filter out search results to usages of an interface in explicit implementations:
Filter out search results to usages of an interface in explicit implementations

Bundled decompiler
With ReSharper 6, you don't need a third-party decompiler anymore! Decompile and navigate to library code as easily as you navigate to source code. The entire ReSharper navigation infrastructure, including Go to Symbol/Type/File/File Member,File Structure, navigating through inheritance hierarchy and usage search, is available for decompiled code.
You can go to decompiled sources from anywhere, including from the source code, Go to windows, or Object Browser.
ReSharper 6 decompiles and navigates within decompiled code

Note that we have also introduced a standalone decompilercalled dotPeek that is available to everyone, free of charge.
Improved management of settings
In ReSharper 6.1, the settings engine has been revamped extensively, with extra emphasis on sharing and managing settings. We have made many more settings accessible and sharable, and introduced new granular settings — for example, those defining IntelliSense behavior for different languages.
Settings are now layered, meaning that you can define global, per-solution, per-team or individual settings. Also, you can now export and import all or selected settings to/from a single file:
Improved management of settings

Optimizing assembly references
ReSharper 6.1 helps you inspect assembly references in any C#, VB.NET, or XAML-enabled project, and see whether any of them are effectively not used. As soon as you know that, you can remove all unused references, or clean them up selectively.
Optimizing assembly references

Multiple new code inspections
We have introduced tens of new on-the-fly code inspections in ReSharper 6, all of which work in C# code and the majority in VB.NET.
Prominent additions include Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable that is triggered when you're doing excessive work looping through an enumerable:
ReSharper warns about multiple enumerations of IEnumerables

Another inspection that could save you an hour or two on debugging is Return value of pure method is not used. It reminds you when you're not assigning a return value of a method that doesn't have any side effects:
ReSharper helps prevent useless calls of string methods

Find similar issues
ReSharper 6 adds another pop-up menu item that displays on pressing Alt+Enter over highlighted code. This lets you search for similar issues in the entire project, solution, or a folder. This is a much more straightforward way to focus on a specific problem than before when you had to start with searching for code issues in a scope, and proceed with carefully customizing filters.
Find all issues similar to the current issue

Converting LINQ to loops
In ReSharper 5, we have introduced transformations from forand foreach loops to LINQ statements. We simply wouldn't stop there: if you prefer traditional loops over the elegant query language, ReSharper 6 will happily transform LINQ to code for you.
ReSharper can now convert LINQ expressions to plain loops

New String.Format context actions
We have done a few things to help you deal with format strings with less friction. For instance, when the caret is on a format item, the item is highlighted along with its corresponding object. Then, we have a pack of new context actions to include and exclude format items.
A set of new context actions to handle format strings

What this essentially means is that you can enterstring.Format(""), and add any number of format items withAlt+Enter from there!
Import types for pasted code
Everyone copies and pastes code sometimes, right? While we can't influence what you're copying, we can help you paste it painlessly. When an alien piece of code gets pasted in, ReSharper 6 figures which import directives it needs, and lets you create all of them with a single Alt+Enter.
ReSharper 6 imports all types required by a pasted code block

In-place refactorings
ReSharper 6 lets you execute some of its most popular refactorings in a new way: you edit code first, then apply a refactoring by pressing Alt+Enter. With Rename, this means you modify a symbol declaration, press Alt+Enter and selectApply Rename Refactoring to spread the change over all usages of the symbol.
In-place rename of a field

We've also enabled Change Signature and Move Static Members to work this way. With the latter, you just copy a static member, paste it in a target class, and apply the move by alt-entering upon this popup:
In-place Move Static Members refactoring

Improvements in unit testing
ReSharper's unit test runner has received a great deal of improvements for this release. For instance, it now does provide an error message when you're running tests and your solution doesn't compile. In terms of framework support, ReSharper 6 now detects NUnit test cases both in the Unit Test Sessions window and in the unit test pop-up menu:
ReSharper 6 supports test cases

In other news, we have introduced a set of default shortcuts for unit testing actions, and a new action called Repeat previous run that lets you re-run the most recent set of unit tests from any position in code.
Repeat Previous Run: a new action in unit test runner